Launch Your POD Business in 1 Day
My Favorite Tools
Let me share my story,

I first learned about the world of Print on Demand from a random Tik Tok that I saw. This Tik Tok video promised the WORLD - passive income, make money while you sleep, over 10k a month! - sounded like a dream, right?

I was super skeptical - but I was intrigued. So I did some research and decided to give it a shot. I figured, what's the worst the could happen? 

Flash forward, in my first year  I sold over $160K with print on demand

The Print on Demand Business model has changed my life. It has more than doubled my income, helped me eliminate debt, and it has given me back financial freedom and time freedom to take care of my family and pursue my own dreams.

My goal is to inspire others to take the first steps into the Print on Demand world by sharing my processes and helpful tips + tricks along the way. 

You do not need experience to get started - you just have to be willing to learn. It is work, it does take time, but you can do it!

I've discovered the key to growing organically on Etsy. I have refined my processes. I've found a way to create listings and run a shop that aligns seamlessly with the Etsy algorithm.